I have something to share...

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Yesterday morning was new student orientation here at Denver Seminary. (For all of you who are curious, there are about 800 students here, 2-300 new ones.) And, like every other first day of school in my life, I felt nervous, excited, and overwhelmed.

The overwhelmed feeling came after the orientation was over. I personally think the staff made every attempt possible to scare away the students. It was almost ridiculous. Specifically, when we met in our majors. I forgot the man's name, but he went up front and began talking about the difficulty of the MDiv program. He closed by quoting 2 Corinthians 1:8-9, a passage Paul wrote in reference to the persecution of the Christians in the early church. Apparently, it applies to those going through the MDiv program at Denver Seminary. It says:

"We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead."

So, based on this passage, I should expect to have a near death experience at some point in the next three years. Wow! I take back my previous statement. This was definitely ridiculous.

I'm not saying seminary will be easy. I know it'll be tough. However, I did not expect the faculty to attempt to intimidate us!

Honestly, I feel well prepared for my classes because of the difficulty of some of my courses in college. I'll let you know if I'm wrong... probably by the end of next week.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Isn't it crazy how you can be so excited for something and then when it comes feel something completely different? Well, that's how I'm feeling right now. As of tonight, we have been in Littleton, Colorado for two weeks and I'm homesick.

Before we left I had so many hopes and dreams. I had so much excitement for being near the mountains and meeting new people. But, we're here and I don't feel that excitement anymore. I've spent most of my time waiting to do something, but nothing happens. I know most of that is my fault, but really, I don't know what to do.

Today was hard. I was bored and lonely. I watched at least 3 hours of tv (I don't like to do that very much... it drains me) and took a nap after dinner. I spent some time reading, but the book wasn't very encouraging... actually, it was the opposite.

What happened to my hopes and dreams? Are they gone? No. But, they're hiding. They're disappointed. Except, they're not over. They can still be completed. It's hard to start new friendships and I, as some of you may know, have struggled with social anxiety since high school. But, I know it will get better.

Coming out here was a leap of faith. I've never been to Colorado before this, so I didn't know what to expect. We didn't know anyone here, but we have had some amazing connections pop up which are very comforting. And, the church family at Littleton Vineyard has opened its arms and hearts to us. Thank you, Lord, for such a blessing.

As I've written this, I've become more encouraged. That's what I love about writing. It helps me think clearer and puts everything in perspective.

A verse I read the first full day after we arrived was Romans 15:13. It says, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." I love that God is the source of hope. He loves giving us dreams and desires for our future. The key is trusting him. Trusting him is something I've had to work on... but that will be another post someday.

All I know is this: when I trust God with my hopes, I am filled with peace, just like this verse says. And, when I'm feeling homesick like I am today, peace is what I need.

Monday, August 22, 2005


True Confession: I like to read comics. Does this make me less of an intillectual, spiritual, mature woman? Well, I don't know.

Heart of the City is one of my favorite comics. This strip made me smile, because sometimes I like to dress and sparkle for no reason. I think that comic strips, as simple as they are, can honestly portray our lives. Maybe that intimidates some people. Or, maybe, just maybe, I like to have more fun than others! :)

No offense.

Some of my favorite strips have been ones which show little kids praying. The insights these characters have about God make me smile. For example, a family circus strip I saw had the girl (I don't remember her name) telling Jeffy "It's ok to pray for little things, everything is little to God." I loved it.

So, that's why I read comics. Usually, they make me laugh, but sometimes they make me think. And I enjoy that!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Bear Lake

Here are some fun pictures of my family on Bear Lake!

Why I'm doing this.

For a long time, I've wanted to share thoughts I have, experiences I have, and things I believe God has revealed to me. I actually have a dream of (yes I'm going to publicly say it!) writing books that will encourage people in life. Today, I was thinking about this and I was thinking, how can I possibly say something that other people will benefit from? How can I challenge them or encourage them in their life? And then I realized, if I have the desire to share my life with others, why shouldn't I? And why wouldn't that help? I am always encouraged by other people opening up with me, why wouldn't my story/thoughts be different. And really, I believe that God has placed this desire in my heart. I shouldn't take the credit. So, for those of you who are reading this, thank you for letting me share who I am with you. And thank you, for listening. And thank you for writing comments if you'd like! I hope this blog is an encouragement. I hope it's a place to laugh, a place to think, and a place to grow closer to the One who created us and calls us each day! Because, really, that is why I want to share with you.

We're here!

We're here!

Here is a picture of Tim and myself by the Denver Seminary sign!

(Don't you love how I state the obvious!)