I have something to share...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Just Stop

One of my biggest pet peeves about Denver drivers is their driving through red lights. A week or two ago, my light to go straight turned green and three cars turning left in the oncoming traffic (who had a red light) cut in front of me. I was tempted to drive up really close to them just to scare them. I did go into the intersection and honk at them all.
It's really dangerous to go through red lights. If someone jumps their green and you come flying out of no where or they can't see you coming and you go through the light that has been red for a second or two you will hit them. Not good.
So, why is it that if I see someone go through a red light I get upset, but when God gives me the red light to stop and be with him I'm annoyed with the red light and I barrel through it? I find anything else to fill my time. I read books, I do crossword puzzles or sudoku, I call someone on the phone or I turn on the tv. I do everything but spend the time with him he wants.
And the funny thing is I later complain when He doesn't answer my questions.
(maybe if I stopped when He told me to, I'd hear the answers)
Today I keep hearing the call:
Be still
Know I am God
You know, yellow lights serve a purpose, they warn of the danger of the red light and the opposing traffic's green light. God wants me to slow down and be with him, but why am I so resistant and head strong? Why am I so selfish and prideful? Why do I tell God to hold on like the comic strip in front of me. It is from Michelangelo's painting of the Cistene chapel. God is reaching out to create Adam in the original, in the comic, Adam has a mac laptop in his lap, has a cell phone to his ear and is holding up a finger to God: "just a minute."

Thank you God for being so patient. Forgive me for thinking I have better things to do or that I can answer my own questions when you love me and want to answer them. Forgive me for worrying over the future and the past. Please keep beckoning me and telling me to stop.

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