I have something to share...

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I just got an email from a friend telling me to check out the new movie by Ben Stein called Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.

Now, if you know me or even if you have just read the last few blogs you know I am a Christian. I believe in God. More than that, I believe that science points to an intelligent designer. However, the scientific world, or at least the "elite few" in the scientific world will not let any scientists talk about their beliefs that the evidence in nature points to intelligence. These scientists, professors at universities and other scholars across the country have lost their tenure and their jobs for professing what they see in science.

Ben Stein decided to do something about it.

Check out the preview for his movie ( http://www.expelledthemovie.com/playground.php ) and then go see it on April 18th.

Even if you think Intelligent Design is ridiculous, do you not believe that the scientists studying the origins of life should be able to believe in it if they think the evidence points that way? Isn't that what this country is all about?

This is probably the only movie I will see in the theaters this year just after it was released. I hope you do to.

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