Thinking about God
For weeks I have been mulling around in my mind what it is I have to share with you today. I don’t know why I have been putting it off. I think is has something to do with being afraid of saying it wrong, but I’m realizing that I can’t keep it inside.
At the beginning of the fall semester, I began hearing the same quote in several places. It was from the theologian A.W. Tozer who wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” (The Knowledge of the Holy, 1) For some reason this statement stuck in my mind and I began wondering what I do believe about God and how that belief has formed me. And it forms you too. It doesn’t matter if you’re an atheist, deist, Buddhist, Jew, Muslim, or Christian, the thoughts you have about God inform your life and you live the way you do because of your belief about God. If you don’t believe God exists or that He doesn’t matter, you will live your life for other things. Searching for peace and happiness in money, family, sex, drugs, friendships, work… anything that provides meaning to life.
However, if you do believe He exists and does matter, you may be like me. I’m trying to live my life in a way that honors God. However, my life has often been riddled with anxiety, insecurity, addiction to shopping, attempts to be like other women who seem to have or be what I want, and depression. It wasn’t until six months ago that I started to see that those anxieties are the result of false belief. Not just false belief about myself – because it was/is present and any counselor could tell me this – but false belief about God’s expectations. False belief about who God essentially is in His True nature.
Paul wrote to the Ephesians, “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” (Eph 1:17-19, emphasis added)
It was important to Paul that they knew God better. Why? Because true knowledge of God brings hope and incomparably great power.
I believe God wants me to bring you with me on my journey to know Him better. Each Saturday I will reflect on God and on who we are because of Him. I pray that this results in hope and life for all of us.
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