Truth can stand.
Ah, what fun. Two young men, Elder Mann and Elder Smith, stopped by our apartment today. They are missionaries for the Church of the Latter Day Saints. We had a great conversation, but I had a hard time not contradicting everything they said about Christianity. I get so passionate. For example, I did interrupt Elder Smith when he said that the English Bible we have today has been translated and retranslated through different languages and we don’t know what the original language said. That is simply not true! We have thousands of manuscripts of the NT alone which far outnumbers any other piece of literature from the time. I was quick to tell him this because I hate to see people misunderstand Christianity. There is so much more to stand on that purely faith alone. It is by faith we are saved, but God does not insult our intelligence by not giving any reason for our faith.
The thing the two men emphasized over and over again was the experiences they had praying for it to be revealed to them that The Book of Mormon was true. They experienced a time of ecstasy and from that they have faith. It is true that my faith is based on experience, but I’m not throwing all caution to the wind. I analyze my beliefs, I study the Bible, I work hard at understanding so I don’t dishonor the Lord by being naïve and afraid of what other people say about Christianity.
God’s word is True.
It can be supported and is not willy-nilly. The DaVinci Code did a good job making people question the ability of Christianity to defend itself. Many other people and organizations have been working at discrediting Christianity for years. But Christianity stands.
God is all powerful. He can handle the myths about Christianity. He can handle people’s difficult questions and he can answer them.
We don’t need to be afraid.
1 Peter 3:15 “sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hop that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence”