I have something to share...

Friday, March 31, 2006

how embaressing!

I have a confession to make. Well, for those of you who have met me, this may come as no surprise, but I blush. A lot.

When I was in high school, my band director (a family friend) discovered my unique ability to turn red and made it his goal to make me blush every day of class. Then, he would point it out to the rest of the class and I would blush more.

If I speak up in class, I blush.

When it was my birthday, my friends brought brownies to Greek class and they sang happy birthday to me. My Greek teacher pointed out what a lovely "hue" I was!

The other day, a coworker teased me about being with my husband in a vacant office (which hadn't even happened) and I blushed.

Today, I introduced my mom to one of my professors and he said "I can see where Leah gets her good looks" and I turned scarlet!

So, here's my question: Is blushing an endearing trait or silly? AND, why do people like to point other people's blushing? Don't they know it makes it worse?!