I have something to share...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I am abnormally tense.

So, I really had more interesting and deep things to write about, but because I'm thinking about it I just want to ask: What is wrong with me?!

I had a massage on Monday morning by a therapist who is my friend's friend. My friend told me she talked to the massage therapist the other day and that she had said I was tense the whole time and she was afraid she was going to hurt me. Apparently, I don't know how to relax my body.

I was talking to Tim about this last night. He said he tries to make sure his environment is condusive to being relaxed and stretches throughout the day in order to relax, etc. Anyone have any suggestions? I am really embarrassed that every time I get a massage people are surprised and concerned about how tense I am! :(


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