I have something to share...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Good News!

I'm reading a book that Chelsea told me everyone needs to read. I agree with her. Many of you may have heard of it and have thought as I did. What a strange title. It's called What's So Amazing About Grace and it has already challenged me in unexpected ways.

I realized one overarching principle which isthis: my understanding of God's grace and forgiveness affects how I relate to God. Duh. Right? Maybe that's not as obvious as we might think. First, it affects how I live my life and judge my righteousness. Yancey emphasizes how our entire being is judged in the world. We are given grades in school and mistakes on exams are highlighted. We are punished or exalted based on how well we do in all arenas of life. I find that I want to live by a set of rules so I can know if I am succeeding or failing - so I lean on legalism. Legalism comes with rewards and punishments But that's not God's grace.

Jesus told the parable of the field manager who hired people throughout the day (morning, noon, afternoon, late evening) and paid them all a full day's wage though some worked harder than others and some worked longer than others. He didn't reward the dilligent workers or punish the lazy. He gave them the same pay. My inner being shouts out "The injustice of it all!"

But truly, it is the grace of it all.

Second, I find that if I do not fully believe that God has forgiven me I do not fully believe that He will take care of me. If I believe that I need to be good in order to earn my way into God's good graces (which is a backwards statement anyways) it falls in line that I would also believe that I would need to take care of myself. If God did not have the ability to forgive me wholly and completely for my sins, why on earth would he want to take care of my earthly needs?

So, there's the first of God's revelation to me, about me, for me. And it has brought such peace. You have no idea.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWESOME! I'm going to read it this summer.

Love ya,

9:42 AM  

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