Hurricane Katrina, as we all know, has been a devastation to thousands and thousands of people. The question of where is God in this evil is inevitable. I feel the necessity to address this question here, although I know I can't answer all questions or give perfect insite. I am not God, therefore I am not sovereign. I don't know all things. But, I feel responsible to share what I believe with my readers.
In the beginning, Eve bit into the forbidden fruit and passed it on to Adam bringing sin into the world. This sin did not just affect them, but it affected all creation. Paul speaks of creation groaning in pains of childbirth as it longs for Christ to return. You see, Adam and Eve were given dominion or power over all creation. When they sinned, that power was handed to the serpent. Now, the world is ruled by the Prince of Darkness, thus resulting in death, natural disasters, animals killing one another, etc. etc. Does that mean God has no control? No. But it does mean that these storms and disasters are not "acts of God" like so many people say they are. ["The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I have come that you may have life and life abundantly" (John 10:10 NASB).]
New Orleans was a city of satanism, witchcraft, and sin. When I heard about the hurricane approaching, I knew the city would be destroyed. I have since learned that many godly people have saught God for answers (as I hope they would) and I am including a shortcut to an article written by Rick Joyner, leader of MorningStar Ministries in North Carolina. I respect this man for his knowledge, but also his humility and desire to seek God. If you desire to read the article, I encourage you to do so. (Click "Katrina" above to access the shortcut then read the "Hurricane Katrina" bulletin) I will try to touch on a few points which have encouraged me.
Katrina means "pure." Through this disaster, God will purify New Orleans from the demonic influences and when it is restored, it will be a place of God. Amen! The idea makes me so excited.
We must continue to pray for the people who survived. We must pray for their hope, for their lives, and for their faith. May God bring them closer to Him in this time of need. Also, we must pray that the city can be rebuilt without the confussion that occured during the time of rescue. May it one day be known that New Orleans is a city of God!! May He be glorified in this process!
And please respond with any questions, comments, or sarcastic remarks. I welcome them all.
There are a lot of issues that go along with some of the things I wrote about. For example, why does God allow evil. I'm sorry if I didn't cover enough information, but to cover everything I would have to write a book. I may do that someday, but now is not the time or place! Thanks for understanding!
I've been thinking about what God will do with this, wondering if it is part of end times and praying that New Orleans would be brought to God because of this devastation. I've been praying for the Holy Spirit to fall on his people there (while there was so much confussion and hopelessness) and bring about repentance and the hope of Jesus. I was in N.O. last January and, while having a lot of character and a "fun atmosphere", the city, at least the French Quarter& Bourbon Street (which Cindy and I zipped through quickly, once we realized just how icky it was) was totally decadant. I haven't read the article you supplied yet, but I will!
You're a great writer. I'm proud of you. I love you!
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