I have something to share...

Saturday, December 31, 2005

A New Year's Prayer

Today is the last day of 2005 and as I think back to a year ago, I couldn't have imagined all of the things that have happened between now and then. I have learned a lot about God's power and his love for me - a love like a daddy for his little girl. I have also learned what it means to struggle and suffer and to learn to lament with those who are suffering around me. The biggest challenge has been to bring these two lessons into one. To learn that when things are hard and struggles are everywhere, God is still more powerful than the pain. He has power beyond the evil of this world and is always there to love and comfort us.

At church this Christmas Eve we sang "Away in a Manger," a song which has never been more than a lullaby for me. However, this time as we sang the last verse it stirred up the prayers which were in my soul this past year and will be there always. It says:

Be near me, Lord Jesus,
I ask Tee to stay
Close by me forever,
And love me, I pray;
Bless all the dear children
In thy tender care,
And fit us for Heaven
To live with Thee there.

May this be your prayer this new year.


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